Your First Hello World React-Native App (JSX,Basic Components in react-native )

Your First Hello World React-Native App (JSX,Basic Components in react-native )

In this article, we will be talking about how to write your first hello world application in react-native. We will also discuss what is JSX and how to add some basic components.


  • In simple terms, JSX can be defined as HTML inside JavaScript.

  • It is neither pure javascript nor pure HTML

  • It is a syntax extension for Javascript

  • When the methods written in JSX run then as an output it produces the HTML code written or some other component(eg: SafeAreaView, View, Text etc)

  • In JSX the starting tag should have an end tag

  • All the components should be written within the return, only then the required output will be displayed

First Application

In this app we will be having:

  • A Hello World text

  • A react-native icon image

  • A button which will give an alert on clicking it

Componentes in our app


  • The component acts as a container which wraps up different components including View itself

  • It can have 0 to many children

  • It is similar to <div> tag


  • A component for displaying texts


  • The component helps in rendering the content within the safe area boundaries of a device

  • Safe area boundaries refer to the limitation of the screen of a physical device such as the rounded corners, camera or sensor notches


  • The component for displaying different types of images

  • Syntax to get the image from your local device

  • Syntax to get the image from the net


  • The component renders a button which can be customised as user prefer

  • Syntax for Button

Steps to create the app

  1. First of all, we need to import React

         import React from "react";
  2. Now we need to import all the Components from react-native

     import {
     } from "react-native";
  3. Next, we need to add the function App which returns all the components

     function App(){
  4. Before adding the components to the App function first let's export the App

     export default App;
  5. Now within the App function

  • First of all, we need to add the SafeAreaView component so that it will fix the safe area boundaries

  •             function App(){
  • Now you need to add the View component which acts as a container to wrap other components within it

  •            function App(){
  • To add the text Hello World! we will use the text component

  •         function App(){
                    <Text>Hello World!</Text>

  • To add the image we will use the Image component.

  •         function App(){
                    <Text>Hello World!</Text>

  • To add the button we will use the Button component. We are giving the title of the button as First Button and on pressing the button we will get an alert saying First Button Pressed

  •         function App(){
                    <Text>Hello World!</Text>
                     title="First Button"
                     onPress={() => {alert('First Button Pressed!')}}

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